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American Idol Birthday Party Ideas

Author: Crystal McLain

American Idol is a hugely popular show that allows various pop star wannabes to follow their dreams and become the next American Idol. Of course, most fall flat on their faces and for some that is all part of the fun of watching the show. However, there are a few individuals who achieve their dreams of pop stardom on the show, and have created some of the best music of the 21st century.

Your children most likely watch the show, and they are going to start emulating the pop stars they see. As well, they are going to come to you and ask for an American Idol themed birthday party, so it is good idea to be prepared. Thankfully, through some imagination and these party ideas, it will be easy to be prepared.

Make an Outfit

Some of the people that audition on American Idol are remembered for what they wear. So, give the kids a paper bag to wear over their clothes, and then let them put various pieces of flair on it to make it unique. Let them paint it, put streamers on it, and anything else they can think of to make them stand out.

Audition Time

The biggest part of American Idol is the auditions, so if you are going to have an American Idol themed birthday party, then you are going to need to have auditions. However, there is a big difference between your auditions at the birthday party, and the auditions on the actual show. You have to be a lot nicer than Simon is, because you do not want the kids crying because you are mean. So give them goofy answers like 'It was good, but I think if you did it in a deep voice it would be better.' Once the kids do it in a deeper voice, make them go deeper and deeper in their voice until they are giggling about how it sounds.

Happy Birthday

Once the kids have all auditioned, tell them you are going to record a CD now for them. Then, have all the kids, including the birthday boy or girl, sing Happy Birthday. Using just a computer and recorder, you can easily record it and burn it onto a few CDs for the kids. If you have a color printer, you can even make a label that features all of them auditioning. If you want to go the extra mile, put pictures of them auditioning on the CD for them.

At some point, you can expect your children to ask for an American Idol themed birthday party. It may seem like a daunting task, and it is unlikely you will get Simon Cowell out to the birthday party, so you need to use your imagination. However, if you also use these party ideas, you can create a wonderful birthday party for your children.

About the Author:

For even more American Idol Party Ideas, visit Birthday Supply Depot.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/parenting-articles/american-idol-birthday-party-ideas-662798.html

American Idol - Redefining American Dream

Author: Jone Dow

When it comes to reality search, American Idol is one of the pioneers. It started in June 11, 2002 with the original title American Idol: The Search for a Superstar on its first season. American Idol is a talent search that is open to all people from different walks of life through its nationwide auditions. It has opened a door of opportunities to all Americans who want to showcase their singing talents. The show is a well acclaimed talent search that scout for only the best talents and potential superstar quality and becomes the ticket to fame and fortune of most American Idol winners.

The show can be considered as a three-way process of bringing out the best not only on the contestants and their family but that of the judges and the followers or viewers as well. It is not only a talent search launched to search for the next singing sensation but it is also subconsciously a challenge to the judges as well. What makes American Idol more interesting is the most awaited part of the judges' turn to make a comment. Oftentimes the judges can be outrageously funny or sometimes they can be so blatantly frank with their comments.

Of course people who dreamed or hoped to proceed to the next level would be hoping against hope to get a "Yes" or "You're moving on..." once they are on the auditions of the American Idol. It seems like when people took their chances they surely expect to bring out the best in themselves knowing that they will be auditioning to a very prestigious talent search, where only the brightest star shines.

The show perks up the spirits of Americans to attain the brightest future in the music industry. The prestige, fame and fortune they can attain can be too glamorous and exhilarating that even their families feel proud to their loves ones who just made it to the audition. The thrilling winning moments are highly enigmatic and can immediately magnet fame and fortune to the American Idol winner.

In American Idol only the best performer has the shining moment of being the American Idol. The other performers though are all winners in their own merits and some even managed to sign a recording contract.

American Idol is there not only to bring out the best in a person but American Idol is there to inspire Americans to dream big. it has become a stepping stone for an American dream to come true.

About the Author:

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/television-articles/american-idol-redefining-american-dream-788331.html

What to Do to Apply to American Idol

Author: David Marc Fishman

American Idol was created by the Simon Cowell and Simon Jones, since American Idol has been on tv it has reached a level of popularity which is unmatched by even the Super bowl. Simon Cowell has since produced American Inventor and the latest television talent competition, America's Got Talent.

American idol concert tickets may seem unattainable as being a contestant on the show, however this is an illusion, all it requires is keeping an ear out and simple planning. The people who tune in to watch ‘American Idol’ are young, since the major stats how this the producers don’t want older contestants, since this would not be interesting to a younger viewer. Although the judges provide feedback to the contestants on ways to improve their performance, and each contestant works with a coach throughout the week to prepare the song they will sing that week on the ‘American Idol’ broadcast, the final decision on who stays and who goes lies with the voters. Each contestant needs two out of three votes, and if the vote is in the contestant’s favor, he or she gets the famous yellow ticket and is sent to Hollywood for a week of exhausting performances and tough judging. If the contestants impress either or both of these two men, the contestant is then able to reach the highest stage of judging -- meeting Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson.

American idol concert ticket dates can be purchased through presales, a type of purchase that limits the market making tickets more available to them. But the ones who take a chance, do whatever it takes to get themselves to an American Idol audition where they're competing with hundreds of thousands of people and their odds of making it are next to nothing.

The show hosts pop music icons every week. Finding the right Singing Teacher is a difficult task if you want to achieve your goals of being a star in the music industry. It's the contrasts in music that make a song interesting. The filtering process gives a chance for the people at home to start liking some of the lads and lasses they see on the tube.

When you are on an audition you will have to endure the pouring rain, intense summer sun, you will not be able to sleep in a comfortable bed or take a shower just so you can get a chance to try to sing in front of the judges to be accepted to appear on the show as trying out.

American Idol is all about being hip, in line with what is hot today, having the right look and being unique. Being unique and having a great sound will go far with the judges.

About the Author:

David Marc Fishman is the owner of bornasuperstar.com The online talent shows for musicians

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/art-and-entertainment-articles/what-to-do-to-apply-to-american-idol-84585.html

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